Friday, April 17, 2015


The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched…but are felt in the heart. ~ Helen Keller

Happy Friday, Everyone!

Today for my letter O,  I'm re-posting a video that I had on my blog a couple years ago. Sometimes things just need to be repeated so maybe it will leave a lasting impression this time around. 

So ...O is for Just How Observant Are You ...

Every now and then, I come across something that is life changing. This video really opened my eyes to the beauty that people in my life see in me that I have never noticed in myself. As of today, it has had over three million views and that still isn't enough. I think we should all see it over again until the message becomes part of us.  Please take a moment and watch it. It is really fantastic.

I can’t help wondering how I would have described myself. It wouldn’t have been very flattering. When I look in the mirror, all I see are the things I wish I could change; my nose is an odd shape, the dark circles under my eyes that never go away, my weight …

Why is it I’m so hard on myself? I don’t see faults in others. I think it all boils down to the fact that I see the inner beauty that shine in others, but don’t look for the inner beauty in myself. 

Maybe I need to stop and take a deeper look at myself, try to see myself the way my kids see me, the way my husband sees me. Something to think about….

Hugs to all,

Nancy C. Weeks


  1. Geez, Nancy. This is an amazing post and video. You're so beautiful for sharing this. Thank you.

  2. Wow. We are so hard on ourselves aren't we

  3. Lynn,
    That was the sweetest thing to say. Thank you!

  4. Susanne,
    Boy are we and I don't understand why. What I do know is we have to stop being so hard on ourselves. Now I just have to figure out the 'how'. Thanks so much for dropping by. OH...I heading over to check out your O for today:O is for On His Watch! Awesome book!!

  5. That was a real powerful video. I'm not even sure I would know where to start if someone asked me to describe myself. I'd almost feel too full of myself if I put too bright a light on my features. Crazy how it feels ok to highlight the positives in others, but not always on ourselves.

  6. People should love themselves more. I think that is important.

  7. Kieron, sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your comment. I don't think having confidence in yourself is being full of yourself. There has to be a way to be proud of who we are while continuing to see the best in others. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking time to comment. Hugs~

  8. J Hanna! My mom use to say that there is no way we can truly love another if we don't love ourselves first. You couldn't more spot on! Thanks so much for stopping by.
