Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Happy Tuesday, Everyone!

Today, for my letter L in the #AtoZChallenge, I thrilled to introduce you to a good friend and fellow Crimson Romance author, Lynn Crandall. I want to have Lynn back soon for a get-to-know interview, but for today, I'm turning my blog over to her as well as the letter L. 


Lynn Crandall ...

There were two of them. One was tall, blonde and lanky, the other shorter, dark-haired and muscular with darkly intense eyes. My grandmother introduced them to me. I never missed a chance to see these two young men and I day-dreamed about them when we were apart. Today, about a hundred years later, I can't remember both of their names but I do remember the dark-haired one's name. It was Buzz.

I was young, and the feelings I had for these guys were rich and fun. I awed at the lives they lived, always on the road, always grabbing life by the horns, always active, though frequently in trouble, but I didn't care about that. Even though we never met, I knew them well. I had a crush on these guys, the main characters in my grandmother's favorite television show, Route 66. They were my first loves. I think we all know that first love crushes hit us at any age, and yes, I was very young for this one. But still, this admission really dates me.

Buzz and What's-His-Name were among a long list of crushes I had on people I didn't know. The fantasy of it probably made the crushes more exciting and more fun than if I, at such a young and inexperienced age, had fallen for someone I could actually talk to, sit across from on the teeter-totter, or shoot marbles with. That's one of the beauties of first crushes. They are whatever we make them.

Another beauty of the crush on a stranger is the whole-body, out-of-body experience of it, minus any growly temper, bad breath, or inexplicable scratching we don't want to know about. That Hugh Jackman may pick his nose is unimaginable. Sure, Bradley Cooper sweats, but it's beautiful, glistening, and stink-free.

In the books I write, the main characters’ paths to love prove to be a lot harder, a lot messier. I put my heroes and heroines in grave danger. They get dirty and they get hurt. They have to unearth old patterns that prevent them from finding love and be willing to change destructive ways. They have to face not only the villain who threatens their lives but also the inner demons that keep them stuck.

Short blurb for Lynn Crandall's most recent release, CRAVINGS (FIERCE HEARTS 2). 

Kennedy, just Kennedy, recently dropped down into the rabbit hole complete with no surname and landed in an entirely different life than the one she’s been living for 22 years. That’s when she learned her parents were people who had been given the job of raising her and keeping from the truth—her real parents were alive and she had been groomed to progress the plans of a secret group. It was also the day she learned her life was in jeopardy and she could trust no one, except maybe the brother she hadn’t known she had, Casey Mitchell, and his colony of were-lynxes.

Always a charmer, Asher Monroe, a were-bobcat who belongs to Casey’s colony, is willing to help her investigate her past. As a sports writer, he is skilled at ferreting out the truth. He’s also willing to use his special ability of “nudging” others to do what he wants so he can learn as much as he can about Kennedy and her life before. He needs to discover whether she is a threat to the colony or simply a lost soul.

As their need for truth take them into escalating danger, their individual wounds expose what really brings them together and pulls them apart.

Buy Links:

Where you can find Lynn:

Lynn Crandall's Website

--AWESOME New Book Trailer for CRAVINGS is now available on Lynn's website-- 

First loves are special, whether for book or TV character or in real life. I've spilled about my crushes, how about your first crush? Who was it? When you recall your feelings for that person, do you smile really big?



  1. Thanks Nancy! Love your blog!

  2. Great post, Lynn. My first TV crush was Tony Dow (Wally), the big brother on Leave It to Beaver. I think that dates me, too. lol I wish you much success with your new novel!

  3. Lynn, It was my pleasure. I would love for you to come back for a sit down interview so we can all get to know you better. My first TV crush was Lee Majors in Big Valley. Loved that show and would watch it my father. LOL! He watched it for the action. I wonder if he had any idea why I was sitting right next to him.
