Saturday, February 14, 2015


A day that celebrates love is a wonderful thing. I've been happily married to the best man in the world for thirty-three years. I'm not an expert on love or relationships, but I know one thing, my friends. I don't need grand gestures, expensive trips or gifts from the man I spend my life with. What I---and all of us---are searching for is to be with someone that knows everything about us, but loves us anyway. My sweet hubby doesn't only love me, but shows that love in small, simple ways every day. And because my mom didn't raise an idiot, I recognize those small gestures and hopefully return them tenfold. 

So how do I make every day Valentine's Day? Well, that's between me and him. He's taken the time to know what I need and I have done the same thing. 

Treat the person you love like you want them to treat you! That's it. The one fail-proof way to make your relationship grow into a lifelong, happy-ever-after.

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day with those you love. Here is a special cyber hug from me to you on this day of love. 

Nancy C. Weeks

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