Monday, April 18, 2016


Happy Monday, Everyone!!

I have my sweet friend and fellow Crimson Romance author Peggy Bird back on my blog today. 

She is here to tell us a little about herself as well as her new release, THE PROFESSOR'S SECRET. Lets get to it. 

Peggy, I’m so thrilled to have you here today. It has been ages since you dropped by for a visit. To start off this interview, tell us a little about yourself so my readers to get to know the person behind the writer.

Let’s see, I’m a writer, a glass artist, a mother and grandmother. I live in Vancouver, Washington and am a passionate Netflix binge watcher. Strictly for research, of course.

I just discovered the joys of Netflix--- binge research of course. Tell us a little bit about how you came to write THE PROFESSOR'S SECRET?

I wanted to write about romance writers. The community of authors I’ve come to know over the past four years has been so amazing, I wanted share some of what I’ve learned about them. Here is a short blurb for THE PROFESSOR'S SECRET:

English professor Claudia Manchester secretly writes spicy romances as April Mayes, the Queen of Steam. She wants to keep her side job under wraps till she's secured tenure, but when she's pressured by her agent to appear at some out-of-state conferences, she agrees . . . if she can go in disguise. Dressed as her sexier alter ego, she meets historical romance writer and high school history teacher Bradley Davis and passion ignites. But can true love be built on lies? And will he still want her when she reveals her real self?

I can't wait to see how Claudia and Bradley work their way through that mess. Great premise. Completing a book is an enormous challenge. What was your biggest obstacle and how did you overcome it? In other words, what do you think drove you to complete this enormous project?

Honestly, I can’t think of anything overwhelming. I had a well-developed synopsis and a clear idea of what the character were like so the writing went pretty smoothly. I did have a slight panic when I realized I had forgotten to find out if the private, all girls, Catholic school where I had the hero teaching actually had male teachers but one quick text put my mind at ease. He was safe.

I wish you could share some that confidence. Amazing attitude! When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?

I don’t know a time when I haven’t been a writer. I wrote stories and bad poetry when I was a kid and writing has been part of my life ever since.

Do you believe writers are born or made?

Probably a bit of both. Inborn talent and imagination are necessary but an even larger dose of patience, perseverance and willingness to learn craft is needed if the talent is ever to result in a finished product.

How do you think your life experiences have prepared you for a writing career?

I was a public affairs consultant for almost ten years and lobbied for an interest group for five. I learned how to take rejection without being devastated by it. It may have been the single best preparation for writing that I could have had.

What is your ideal writing space?

How about this? But my office at home is second best!

I just love your ideal writing space. Fresh air clears my brain. What moment in this journey are you most proud of?

The moment a new book baby is released. It never gets old.

No it doesn't. It's an exciting ride. Now for a few giggles. There is someone you will never meet but whom you desperately need for them to know who you are. The only way to communicate with them is to send them a box with three items. What would those three ideas be? 

Well, one of my books, of course. Probably the one whose heroine is closest to me in personality (you have to read them to figure it out.) Then, maybe a piece of my glass art. And last, a photo of my daughters and grandkids. That about sums me up.

You’re going into battle. What are you writing, who are you fighting and what is your weapon?

Easy-peasey. I’m fighting the urge to go binge watch “House of Cards” because I should be using my computer to write my next book.

Ha! That's my problem with Netfix too. I love the characters I'm watching, but the ones that live in my head won't give me any peace. This next question is one of my favorites.  Write a love story in eight words.

She smiled. He winked. They fell right then.

Very clever and at the exact word count. What is up next for you?

I’ve been invited to submit a novella to the Kindle Worlds program. I’ve written “Out of the Game” for the Bella Andre “Game of Love” world. It’ll be released in May. And I’m working on a Christmas novella. Oh, and I am kicking around what may turn out to be a mystery. Not sure yet.

Where can readers find out more about your book and yourself?

On Amazon
On Crimson Romance site
On Facebook
On Twitter
Peggy Bird's Website
On Pinterest
~ ~ ~

It was wonderful to have you here today, Peggy. I wish you the very best of sales for all of your books. Your are an incredible prolific writer. One day, you have to come back and show us some of your glass work. If anyone has a question for Peggy, please don't be shy. She loves interacting with readers.

That is it for today. Have a great week everyone and please find a quiet moment to pick up a great book. Be kind to one another.

Hugs to all,

Nancy C. Weeks


  1. Thanks for having me on your lovely blog, Nancy! What a pleasure to be on such a beautiful site.

  2. A very insightful interview, Peggy and Nancy. The questions were great, and the answers even better. Love the three things you'd put into a box to define you. Got me to thinking...

  3. Peggy, it was my pleasure. I hope you come back very soon. I really do want to see your glass work.

  4. Thanks for stopping by, Becky!! I glad you enjoyed the interview.

  5. Thanks, Becky. So what're your three things?

  6. Fabulous post, and I LOVE the blurb! I'm gonna check out the book on Amazon right now... :)

    Good luck with your release...and I want to find that writing space for myself!

  7. Thanks for stopping by, Terri. I think we should all pool resources and build a campgrounds where we can each have one of those writing spaces, don't you?
