Sunday, February 14, 2016


Hi Everyone!

My all time favorite gift to receive on Valentine's Day is a great romance story, a bit of chocolate and my sweet hubby sitting next to me while we both read. There is nothing wrong with a day devoted to love. 

I'm so very blessed because I have people in my life that love me and I know how to love them in return. Loving and knowing how to accept love from others shouldn't be a difficult thing to do. It should be programmed in our DNA. 

Learning to love and accepting love is a learn behavior. The only way to get good at it is practice. And yes, that means sometimes we'll open our hearts to others, and that love is rejected. We're hurt---again. But don't shut your heart off for good. Try again and then again. 

Each time you love, love as deeply as if it were forever.
Audre Lorde

As a romance writer, I'm always trying to find ways to bring people together. In fact, even though I know from the first sentence that my hero and heroine are going to fall in love and find their happy-ever-after, I'm still brought to tears when I actually get that scene down on paper. It amazes me every time that it can happen. 

Love is what makes this crazy world so wonderful. With that in mind, I'm going to share a little of my special love stories by giving away any Kindle copy of my back list to anyone who signs up for my newsletter between February 14th and February 18th 2016. [NANCY'S NEWSLETTER] I only send out about 6 newsletters a year and I will never share your personal information with anyone--so please feel free to share this offer with family and friends.

I wish you all great love and happiness on this day of love.

Hugs to all,

Nancy C. Weeks

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