Monday, February 22, 2016


Happy Monday, Everyone!

Today, I'm delighted to have  friend and fellow Crimson Romance author, Lynn Crandall on my blog. Lynn's new novel, Unstoppable releases today. I thought it would be great for all of us to learn more about Unstoppable and get to know Lynn a little better. She has been so gracious to answer my nosy, but hopefully fun questions.  

I’m so thrilled to have you here today. To start off this interview, tell us a little about yourself so my reader to get to know the person behind the writer. 

I’m excited to be here on your lovely blog, Nancy. Thank you for having me. Now, to answer the question…It sounds strange to say, but I’m a redhead and being a redhead shaped me. It made me stand out as a kid— you know, redheads make up only one percent of the population. But anyway, along with red hair color comes high sensitivity to many things. So me the writer and the person enjoys solitude, quiet, and observation. Life in general and people in particular, fascinate me. Everything exists in layers and complexity. All around every day is opportunity to learn and grow. Being highly sensitive, also a minority, so to speak, that includes twenty percent of the population, means I pick up a lot from my environment. It can be overwhelming and at the same time enriching. The sensitivity also influences my writing and I enjoy exploring the variety of ways people present in the world and deal or don’t deal with inner stuff.

Before I forget, HAPPY HAPPY RELEASE DAY !!!! It takes a lot dedication and hard work to get to this day and I wish you the very best release day ever! And can I say, your cover is so dang sexy. I think it's the hottest cover I've had on my blog. 

How did you come to write Unstoppable?

Unstoppable is the final book in my Fierce Hearts series, which follows the lives of were-lynxes who are members of a colony. The stories for all five books and the characters began in my romantic suspense books, Dancing with Detective Danger and Always and Forever Love. 

I had planned to continue with those stories and highlight minor characters as hero and heroine, but as I started to plot and flesh out those characters, a question popped up: What if the hero was a were-lynx? I Googled lynx images and fell in love with them. They’re beautiful.

I loved that concept because for me it was twist on exploring feeling different, being in family in an untraditional way, and a sort of twist on racial situations, status differences, and individual power, things that are pertinent to all of us.
I love each book, but Unstoppable characters really touched my heart. Lara, the heroine, has resigned herself to never having her true love, and Booker, her hero, has been suffering from loss. Though they’ve been colony mates and close friends for years, their time for love has passed them by. I like the concept of waiting for a second chance.

I think everyone can identify with stories about second chances. What makes me pick up a book like Unstoppable without a second thought is knowing that there is going to be a happy-ever-after this time around. 

Completing a book is an enormous challenge. What was your biggest obstacle and how did you overcome it? In other words, what do you think drove you to complete this enormous project? 

It was enormous because this series was my first. I work freelance as a writer and editor, so those responsibilities ate up a lot of my time. Between work and family situations, it was challenging to remain in a productive frame of mind. But the stories compelled me. I love writing, but when I’ve started a book, the story doesn’t let up until the first draft is done. So, the answer is, I love writing, and sinking into a day of writing is a relief from the pressure inside. Now that the series is complete, I miss regular interaction with the were-lynxes. But sometimes I pause and say to myself, “I did it!”

Those loud, loving characters never leave me alone either. They want their story told and now. I think you should be very proud of your accomplishment. 

So when did you realize you wanted to be a writer? 

I have always written. My first stories were impromptu bedtime stories I made up for my sister when we were supposed to be sleeping.

Do you believe writers are born or made? 

Great question! Writing resonates with me. I’ve talked with friends who have given up writing who said they no longer needed to define themselves as a writer. I think about this idea, whether I’ll continue writing when I get a less than happy review, or when sales are low, but I continue to feel solidly inside me a love for writing. So, I guess I’d say born, but also made, because there is a lot to learn.

What is your ideal writing space? 

I would love to write in a space that has direct access to a beautiful, private nature space. It would have windows all around so that I could feel connected to nature even in winter and rain. My inside space would be lined with floor to ceiling bookshelves. And my cat would be lying nearby, as she always has been for years.

What a lovely room. I too need a combination of open space and nature. Fresh air just clears out the cobwebs in my brain. So what moment in this journey are you most proud? 

I’ve been proud completing every book and seeing them published. Writing the series really pushed me to be able to build a cohesive world in which were-lynxes could exist and exert a positive impact on their community.

Now for a few giggles. 

There is someone you will never meet but whom you desperately need for them to know who you are. The only way to communicate with them is to send them a box with three items. What would those three ideas be? 

Hmm…I love this question. A copy of one of my books. The love sonnets book written by Pablo Neruda. The book by Antoine de Saint Exupery, The Little Prince. I could go on and include a favorite rock (I love all kinds), sand in a bottle from Lake Michigan, and a T-shirt with the phrase, “No, I can’t. I have plans with my cat.” But that would be more than three. J

I love your answer. Since you did so well with that question, here is another one. 

You’re going into battle. What are you writing, who are you fighting and what is your weapon? 

Interesting. I would be writing an article for a newspaper. I would be fighting a company that is denigrating the environment. My weapon would be my zeal, or my laptop.

I would fight right by your side. The beauty in this world is there to restore our souls and it needs to be protected. 

Write a love story in eight words. 

How about twenty-four from Unstoppable. Her tears splashed down on his cheeks. His eyes closed of their own volition. In his head the unspoken promise reminded him. Don’t die.

Wow, that is beautiful. You can have your extra words.

Last question and the most important. Where can readers find out more about your book and yourself? 


Lynn, thank you for dropping by for a visit on your release day. This has been so much fun. I wish you all the very best of sales with Unstoppable. If anyone one has a question for Lynn Crandall or me, please don't be shy. We love getting to know our readers. You can leave a comment by clinking on the tiny pencil below. 

I hope everyone has a great week and finds time to read a great book. Until next time, take care and be kind to one another.

Hugs to all,

Nancy C. Weeks


  1. It's fun to be on your blog, Nancy! Thank you for featuring Unstooppable.

  2. My pleasure. I hope you come back often. Have a wonderful release day!!

  3. My goodness. How have I never discovered these were-lynxes before? Thanks for sharing, ladies!

  4. What a fascinating interview, Nancy and Lynn! And were-lynxes! Unstoppable sounds like intriguing! Best of luck going forward!

  5. I'm with Stephanie... I'm definitely going to have to explore the were-lynxes. Looks interesting!
