Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a good week. Today, I thought I would share where I get my muse. My official bio states "With her two grown children out of the nest, Nancy loves spending her days on her deck writing as the local bird population keeps her company."

Here is where I love to spend my day. The birds will fly right up to the rail and we sing together.

It's not a cliff beach house overlooking the ocean, but as work spaces go, I love it. My sweet hubby and son built this deck about two years ago. They did a wonderful job. If the permit hold's salt, it can withstand a hurricane. 

I usually take my coffee out each morning and work until it becomes too hot around 2:00 p.m. That lovely coffee mug to the right of my laptop was made by my very talented brother, Tad. If you missed my showcase of his work, you can find it HERE. When I have coffee in that mug, I feel like I'm having my morning brew with my big brother. As you can tell, I don't see him much and miss him.

So...lets talk about my laptop. It's a little rough around the edges, and yes, I really need a new one. But I have typed over 500,000 words on this little guy. It's hard to let it go. We know each other. 

So why the blue tape? Well, it makes typing functional.I use an external mouse. My thumbs have the tendency to type at will. Since I can't turn the touch pad off, I taped a piece of plexiglass over it and problem solved. Not exactly cool or high tech, but again, I love my laptop. 

While I'm typing away on my new novel, I occasionally have to think through the scene to discover where I'm going.  Here is my 'thinking' view.

To my left...

To my right...

I love flowers, the more the better. They are an inexpensive way to bring beauty into my world. This year I got a little carried away. You can't see them in these shots, but there are 5 pots of impatiens flowers behind me under the bay window. It wasn't until we dug out every pot I have ever owned that I finally said I was done. There are also a few herbs and tomato plants in the mix.

And when I'm praying for inspiration, this is what I get to look at. I tend to stare out at the clouds quite a bit.

Well, that's it for today. I hope you have enjoyed a peek into my outdoor work space. Too soon, the weather will turn and send me back inside for seven months. Until then, I going to enjoy every minute I can out on my deck.

I would love to see your work space. Go on, take a shot and post it in comments. By the way, if you are looking for a great series to take on vacation, why not try my new release, Shadows and Light: The Complete Series.  It's a great read and you can't beat the price. 

Stay safe and be kind to one another!

Hugs to all,

Nancy C. Weeks 

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