Saturday, August 30, 2014


Happy Saturday, everyone!

I would like to welcome back to my blog my friend and wonderful author, Andrea R. Cooper. I invited Andrea back so we can all get caught up with what has been going on in her life.

Andrea, I’m so thrilled to have you here today. To start off this interview, tell us three things about yourself that readers may not know about you.

Thank you for having me, Nancy. I’m excited to be here with you and all of your fans.

Three things about me …

1)            I was a stay-at-home mom for four years, until this July. Now I’m a career-mom juggling everything I did and my new job.
2)            I love to dance (notice I didn’t say I was any good at it). I used to choreograph dances to my favorite songs. Now I just follow the Zumba teacher
3)            I’m a SciFi geek. I love watching space and fantasy movies. If I had to make a choice, I’d rather watch the new Hobbit movie than the latest romance—unless it is a really great romantic movie. Sorry, I just enjoy romance novels more than the movies – they never seem to be as good as the book.

When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?

I’ve always told stories. In Elementary school, I created characters, plots, and my friends and I would act out the parts. When I was fourteen, I wrote poetry for almost ten years, then nothing. I didn’t write. I still thought up characters and stories, but I no longer had anyone to act them out with.

Then in my late twenties, after reading a romance novel that I thought could have been better logically, I decided to write a story. I thought it would be short story or fizzle out. Instead, when finished, it was a two hundred and fifty page novel. By the time I had written a few more novels, I started thinking about being a paid writer.

Andrea, it sounds like you caught that writing bug that's going around. I caught it too and it's thrilling. What do you like best about being a writer? What do you like the least?

The best thing about being a writer, to me, is showing the world my stories and characters. Having them laugh, and love them like I do.

I like marketing the least. Selling is my weakest point – I could barely sale candles and candy to my relatives in school. If I won the lottery, the first writing investment would be to hire a professional PR/Marketing guru.

I just love the your cover for Sons of Dragons. And what a fantastic title. Please tell us a little about Sons of Dragons and anything else you are working on now.

My latest release is Son of Dragons – Book 2 Legends of Oblivion. This novel features Mirhana, an Elvin warrior, and her love interest, Landon—a human.
Together they battle the Warloc and his progeny.

Here is a short blurb and excerpt Andrea brought with her to share with us.


Excerpt Son of Dragons Book 2 Legends of Oblivion series:

Clean from the bath, Landon let the air from the open window dry his hair. Dressed only in trousers, he leaned against the windowsill.

He thought he smelled the hint of roses and heat on the breeze. Movement from the street below caught his eye. He leaned out, squinting into the night.
Torches lined the cobbled street corners. A cloaked figure waited. Then the innkeeper rushed outside. His hands flew in gestures as the figure nodded.
Then he pointed to the window where Landon watched. At the same instant, the cloaked figure followed his finger’s path to Landon. Green eyes that seemed to glow met his.

Landon jumped up and cursed when his head hit the bottom of the window. When he looked back, both figures were gone.

Thinking the innkeeper would send guards, he waited with his sword in hand and his stare riveted on the door. No one came. He must be getting paranoid, thinking there was a ghost or enemy around every corner. His eyelids grew heavy as he waited for a fight that failed to materialize. Finally, he rolled his shoulders back to ease out the tension.

Still, he couldn’t stop thinking about those piercing emerald eyes. They’d belonged to a woman; he could tell. There was intelligence and cunning in them. Her stare felt as though she saw through the façade he often wore as prince and to please others, and into his kajh.

A woman who was not afraid, but used to being feared. It unnerved him, yet excited him. His pulse quickened and his loins tightened at the thought of those eyes filled with passion for him.

Better get some sleep before the night was gone. Tomorrow, he’d tell Gillespie about what he saw. He doubted he could explain those captivating green eyes that continued to haunt him even now.

Here is the book trailer:

Andrea, that sounds fascinating. 

I’m also working on revisions and rewrites of War of Darkness – Book 3 Legends of Oblivion. This novel, while having all the characters from books one and two, will focus on Gillespie—a human with prejudices against dragons, and Mere—a water mage.

The Legends of Oblivion series is a fantasy / paranormal romance.
I’m also working on other novels including a YA Fantasy, and a sequel to Viking Fire – my historical romance.

I love how you expand your writing brain by jumping into other genres. What genre do you enjoy the most and how do you decide?

I primarily write in fantasy, paranormal and historical romance. However, I have a few contemporary romances I’ve written and am plotting out. I write whatever story the characters fit into—but my first, second, and third loves are fantasy, paranormal and historical romance.

Because I enjoy reading those genres. I think it’s good to develop and stretch as a reader and writer, so I read and write other genres as well.

You mentioned working on several other novels besides the ones listed above. Would you give us a few more details?

Certainly. I have a few chapters written of an Asian historical romance featuring the women assassins known as kunoichi – “deadly flowers” in sixteenth century Japan.

I have another Viking Romance (not affiliated with Viking Fire) that I need to tweak. And finish plotting out my next contemporary romance. Rewrite the first part of my Native American historical romance … I’ll stop with those, but I could list half a dozen more.

You are a very busy woman. I'm so impressed with your work ethic. Now for a couple advice sharing questions. If you had one take away piece of advice for new authors, what would it be?

Use a pen name … or abbreviate your name somehow. It’s difficult to create a platform/persona using your real name. People that know you will think you are being weird, egocentric, or just arrogant. But that’s what this business takes. Being proud of yourself as a writer, and sharing it.
Also, having a pen name for a group of genres might also be helpful. But something that ties all of it together for fans. If I could do mine over again, I’d write fantasy/ paranormal and historical romances as A.R. Cooper. Then maybe my contemporaries as Andrea R. Cooper or A.R. something or etc.

Do you believe writers are born to write or learn to write?

Both. I’ve come a long way as a writer. Constantly, I’m learning something new. And I know I’ll never get to a point when I know everything and am perfect.

However, there has to be a bit of a storyteller. There has to be a good story. I’ve read some book were the writing was fine, but the story wasn’t that interesting or exciting. Beta Readers, critique groups, editors, etc. are invaluable.

What is the theme song to your latest novel, Son of Dragons?

I have two – Radioactive and Demons by Imagine Dragons – I know, ironic right?

What is up next for you?

A lot! I hope to finish War of Darkness Book 3 Legends of Oblivion before the end of the year. Send a publisher my contemporary romance by October. Finish and send off my YA Fantasy to publishers, and begin Viking Fire’s sequel. Also manage to squeeze in a few short stories as well.

I'm sure your loyal fans are going to be very pleased with that list. Isn't your first book in this series now part of an amazing bundle?

Yes. The Garnet Dagger Book 1 Legends of Oblivion is bundled with nine other fabulous paranormal romances by nine other authors in the Extraordinary Love package for 99 CENTS for a limited time.

Here’s the Amazon link, but it is also available on Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google Books, etc.

Where you can find Andrea R. Cooper:

Author Website:

It has been a blast catching up with all that is going on in your life, Andrea. Thank you so much for spending time with us today. I wish you great sales. To all my readers, have a wonderful weekend, and as always, be nice to one another.

((Hugs to all))

Nancy C. Weeks


  1. Thank you so much for having me here today, Nancy.

  2. It was honor and pleasure, Andrea. Wishing you great success with all your future projects.

  3. What a great interview, ladies - so comprehensive. Your writing is so extensive, Andrea and there is so much going on for you...don't know how you do it but you do it well, so congratulations!
