Friday, June 15, 2012

Musings on Life, Love, and Chocolate Cake…

While I was developing my blog and website, I spent hours brainstorming taglines. I felt the blog needed a great phrase that not only defined me, but defined my voice– who I am as a writer. That was a lot pressure to place on a poor little tagline. But after driving myself, my family, and my writing buddies batty, here are some of my favorites: Don't Trust the Chocolate Cake, Romance with Dangerous Curves, Danger Over Every Curve, Musings on Life, Love, and Chocolate Cake [the last one was my idea]. As I mused over what to choose, the whole chocolate cake thing kept coming back to me.

So what’s romantic suspense-y about chocolate cake? Well, NOTHING and EVERYTHING. In my opinion, chocolate cake is one of God’s gifts to mankind. Without simple pleasures like chocolate cake, life’s just too hard. Why write at all?

I can list all the benefits of chocolate cake like protein, fiber…but I won’t put you through that and get to my point.

I have a little contest in mind. If you leave a comment about why chocolate cake is so important in your life, and what life would be without it, I’ll enter your name in a drawing. And the winner receives…drum roll please… YEP, you guessed it― one of my famous chocolate cakes mailed in a United States Post Office bulk box right to your door. It’s made from scratch and freezes beautifully. I have sent this cake to college kids, friends, family members and it’s arrived still amazingly, fantastically delicious.

My only condition for receiving this gift is a picture of you enjoying the cake for the world to see. And for all of you who didn’t win, when you come back to check the contest results,  scroll down and the recipe will be there for the making. But for now, practice on ...

The Most Wonderful Chocolate Frosting in the World
[This takes all of 5 minutes. I suggest you double it. One recipe for the cake, the other for your spoon.]

Bring to a soft boil or until everything is well blended:
1 stick of butter
4 Tbs. cocoa or 2 squares of unsweetened chocolate
¼ C of milk
Pour over 1 pound of powdered sugar.  Mix well. 

Enjoy with a good book and soft romantic music. 


  1. Oh my gosh! This cake looks so good!! I want to jump in the computer screen and eat it. I think you should pick me as the winner because then you wouldn't have to mail it. You know, save on postage. Hehehee.
    Excellent post, Nancy. :)

  2. LOL,Joya. You right. That would be easy. That was Marty's lunch dessert. I made him put the fork down so I could take a picture. The winning cake will be a layered!!

  3. Well, chocolate is pretty much fantastic. Perfect at the end of the day, either as a pick me up or a celebration. Also great at the beginning of the day, Breakfast of Champions! As for life without chocolate cake, I'd probably just have to eat other desserts more. Like pie. Mmmmmmm, pie :)

    1. You must have had a really fantastic mom to allow you to eat cake for breakfast. When you really think about it, all the food groups are present...hmmmmmmm. It really is the Breakfast of Champions!

  4. I love food way too much...this would definitely be perfect for me haha

    1. Hi Bleu,
      Thanks for dropping by. If you love food, you have to check back in a couple days for the recipe.It's so easy- one of those dump everything in a bowl and mix. I hope it becomes a favorite :)

  5. Chocolate cake is the center of a happy girl (like me)! It is a temptation I can never pass up and is oh so delicious! It is the dessert I will order first if I see it on the menu and always leaves me wanting more! Life without it would be very upsetting! People who don't get their chocolate cake would feel emptiness in their stomach... and their hearts!!! ;)

    1. LOL Karisa!!!
      So true and very well stated! I feel the same way. When I'm handed a dessert menu, it's the first thing I look for. I may consider something else, but I always end up with chocolate cake. Thanks for dropping by. I hope you try the recipe and it becomes part of your life like its become part of mine. I will pick the winner on FRIDAY!!! Good luck.

  6. Note to Joya, I have to say you’ll enjoy the cake either way, but there isn't anything quite like finding a chocolate cake in your mail box :)
    Good luck everyone!

    1. Hi Mary!
      Thanks so much for dropping by. Hey gang, this is my sister PRIMO-MUSE! I would never have written the first sentence without her! Mary, if you don't have this recipe, I'm picking the winner on FRIDAY and posting the most fabulous chocolate cake recipe EVER!

  7. Chocolate cake is so important because without it, life would be vanilla. And that's just too sad to think about.

    1. OHHHH--a vanilla world...that would be sad. LOL The problem with vanilla is there is no chocolate in it...BUT there is vanilla in my chocolate cake recipe. Vanilla brings out the flavor of chocolate. Thanks so much for stopping by, but come back Friday because I'm posting the recipe and picking the winner.
