Friday, June 22, 2012

Musing on Life, Love, and Chocolate Cake...

It's Friday, and as promised, all the names of anyone who commented on my blog post or Facebook went into a hat and my sweet hubby picked a name. The winner is....Bleu! Now all you need to do is send me your address, and Monday, I'll mail you the most fabulous chocolate cake ever.          I would love a picture of you enjoying a slice if you would like to send me one. 
For everyone else, here's the recipe. I hope it becomes one of your favorites. If you have never made a cake from scratch before, it's very easy. I really do dump everything in a bowl, mix and bake.

Nancy’s Everyday Chocolate Cake

2 C sugar
½ C butter (one stick)
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 C milk
½ C cocoa powder or 4 squares of unsweetened chocolate
 2½ C flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 C very hot water

Melt chocolate in microwave for 1 minute.  In a mixing bowl, mix butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla.  Add chocolate slowly.  Add flour, baking soda, baking powder, alternating with milk.  Mix well for about 2 minutes.  Slowly add the hot water.  This batter will be very liquidly.  Mix until well blended.  Pour into a buttered 13x9-inch baking pan or 2 round cake pans. Bake at 350F for 30 minutes.  Cool before frosting if you have time.  It is wonderful warm too. This recipe makes great cupcakes too.

The Most Wonderful Chocolate Frosting in the World
[It takes all of 5 minutes]

Bring to a soft boil: [just long enough to melt chocolate and butter]
1 stick of butter
4 Tbs. cocoa or 2 squares of unsweetened chocolate
          ¼ C of milk
Pour over 1 pound of powdered sugar. Mix until creamy and pour over cake. If you can't wait for the cake to cool, no problem. Once the icing cools on the cake, it will look and taste like thick fudge. Enjoy!


  1. Oh darn, read your post and now I have to wipe the drool off the keyboard. I quit baking because I eat everything I bake. But that doesn't mean I can't teach the grandkids how to bake. Hmmm. Maybe I'll get a piece of this yet. Peace, Teresa

  2. Hi Teresa,
    I loved baking with my kids. The best thing about teaching them to cook is that they will turn around a cook for you.

  3. Hi Nancy,
    I’ve tagged you in my 7/18/12 post. Check out how to play the blogging tag game at

