Tuesday, October 16, 2018


If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? 
“Welcome. Your computer is right this way. We like to read here, too.”

Hello Everyone!

I would love for everyone to give a warm welcome to Teresa Reasor, author of Hot Seal, Rusty Nail. Six years ago, I submitted my first chapter of In the Shadow of Evil and received my first critique from Teresa. I had so much to learn about writing a great story. This dear woman was so very patient as I re-discovered myself in this exciting new career. What she didn't teach me personally, I discovered from her wonderful stories. So...if you enjoy my novels, please take a moment and leave a heartfelt thank you in comments for Teresa Reasor. I owe her so much. 

Before I gush all over this post, I better start the interview. Teresa, I'm more than thrilled to have you here today. Can you tell us a little about yourself--the real Teresa Reasor behind the writer. 

I’m a Marine Corps brat and went to nine different schools in twelve years. I’m a retired art teacher and retired college adjunct instructor.  I still do art, paint, draw, quill, and create sculpture. I write a thousand words a day and I read a thousand words a day. But I never read what I’m writing. And I’m a New York Times and USA Today Best-selling Author.

If I hadn't said so before, congratulations for hitting those two incredible list. It is so well deserved. Please tell us a little about how you came to write Hot SEAL, Rusty Nail.

I came to write Hot SEAL, Rusty Nail because I was invited by Cynthia D’ Alba to be one of eight ladies writing in the SEALS in Paradise series.  I met Cynthia through the Kiss of Death Chapter of RWA when we were members of the critique group called Lethal Ladies. (Which is where I met you too.) I jumped on the opportunity because the subject appealed to me and writing Military Romance is my favorite type of book to write.
I love your SEALS in Paradise series and Hot SEAL, Rusty Nail is the next book on my Kindle. 
Doesn't this look yummy? I can't wait to disappear into this story!

Completing a book is an enormous challenge. What was your biggest obstacle and how did you overcome it? In other words, what do you think drove you to complete this enormous project?

Writing is a joy and a compulsion for me. I can’t not write. Even if I’m on vacation I have my computer with me. My biggest obstacle is interruptions. I love my family. I’d step in front of a moving vehicle to save any one of them, but they still don’t understand the creative drive that compels me to write and complete the projects I take on. Because none of them create. They’re content to work a job and come home and just hang. I have too much creative energy to sit still for that length of time. I’m an artist as well as a writer. And if I’m not writing, I’m ready, painting, drawing, quilling (rolled paper filigree) or half a dozen other things. But mostly I’m writing. Sometimes it’s a struggle to get them to understand that writing is something I have to do.

I understand that completely. I talk about living in my writer's cave. My cave is my kitchen table, the center of the household. I write there because I want the family to know I'm there for them, but I still need quiet hours I can just create. It is a balancing game. 

The next couple of questions are my favorite to ask authors. When did you realize you wanted to be a writer and do you believe writers are born or made?

I think it’s a combination of both. As soon as I learned to read, I wanted to write. I wrote my first book in second grade. I believe that if you don’t love to read, you will never be a writer. I also think you have to have determination and perseverance to stick to the process and complete projects. And if you don’t love to write, you won’t be successful at it because it takes more than just putting the words on paper. It takes a keen sense of observation and insight into human nature, with a spark of creativity thrown in for good measure.

How do you think your life experiences have prepared you for a writing career?

I taught primary school Art for 21 years, seven hundred and fifty children a week. And I taught night classes at the satellite college for Eastern Kentucky University for 10 years. Writing was what kept me sane during all that, because the writing was all mine. I could lose myself in another world or century or a different life than the one that faced me everyday. My day and night job put food on the table and put two children through college and supported another one until she was on her own. My weekend job was my joy.  

I didn't write my first story until my senior year in high school. My English teacher, Mrs. Burns, and my sweet mother were the first to encourage the idea that I could be a writer. That dream lived in me for too many years. 

I mentioned my writer's cave above. What is your ideal writing space? 

My office. My son had been gone for years and I finally called him and said, “You wouldn’t feel like I was kicking you out for good if I take down your bed and turn you bedroom into my office, would you? He said, “I’ve been gone for 12 years mom, and I love you, but I’m not moving back in.” So my office was born. LOL

Great story. I can hear the same words coming out of my son's mouth. What moment in this journey are you most proud of?

When I submitted two books to a publisher and signed contracts for them both in the same month. Both were historicals, Highland Moonlight and Captive Hearts.

It's time for a few giggles. There is someone you will never meet but whom you desperately need for them to know who you are. The only way to communicate with them is to send them a box with three items. What would those three items be?
A painting (one of mine), a published book (one of mine), and a business card (one of mine).

You’re going into battle. What are you writing, who are you fighting and what is your weapon?

Since I write military romance, historical, and paranormal it could be a contemporary or historical weapon or even a magical device. I’ll go with the magical device, my soul- sucking wand in Have Wand, Will Travel. I’m fighting a clan of vampires who are trying to take over my clan’s territory, which is Scryville, Kentucky. The wand is so powerful it can suck the soul out of any vampire. All it needs is a focus( a person) to direct it. But my character has compassion for even vampires so it’s a weapon of last resort to save lives rather than take them.
OHHH...that was fantastic. If I had a prize for the best answer for my crazy question, you would win hands down. AND...I'm loving the soul-sucking wand. 

This next question should be easy-peasy with your imagination. Write a love story in eight words.

Love warm, passionate, breathed a promise along every nerve.

Nailed! It! If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

“Welcome. Your computer is right this way. We like to read here, too.”

LOL! What...not paints? Teresa, what is up next for you?

I have a trilogy of novellas I’m releasing October 3rd under the series title of the Have Wand, Will Travel. The first two were part of the Magic and Mayhem Kindle World. When I got my rights back I edited them and am releasing them as a standalone series.

Have Wand, Will Travel  CLICK HERE
Once Bitten, Twice Shy  CLICK HERE
Adventures of a Witchy Wallflower  CLICK HERE

Book three is a completely new release and has never been published before.
All three are available for pre-order. Currently they’re only available at Amazon.

I have to slip in here for a second. I love the new covers and just added this series to my TRP!

I  have my Military Romance titled Hot SEAL, Rusty nail. It’s one of the SEALs In Paradise series.  I’m 1 of 8 authors writing in that series. My book will be released October 16th but is available for preorder everywhere.

Where can readers find out more about your book and yourself?

Here are all my links.
Thank you so much for having me on your blog. I’ve loved answering your questions and hanging out here.
Read on,
Teresa Reasor

Teresa, it was wonderful getting caught up. Again, I can't thank you enough for for everything you have done for me. I wouldn't be the writer I am today without your kind and generous advice. If anyone has any questions for Teresa Reasor, please don't be shy. 

That's it for today. I highly recommend Teresa Reasor's books. She has something for everyone. As always, please take a moment for yourself and read a great book.

Hugs to all, 

Nancy C. Weeks

1 comment :

  1. Thank you so much for having me today. I so enjoy guest posts and I love being here. And congratulations on your recent book award!! I'm so thrilled for you.
