Thursday, October 27, 2016


This has been a hard 12 months. There were times I wanted to shout to the world "What the hell did I do?" Through the cursed cellulitis and then the bone infection,[osteomyelitis], the one thing I hated letting go of was writing. I was in the middle of a project I loved and hated--that's a writer's thing--- when I was told inorder to live, I had to get off the infected area until everything healed. Not weeks, but months followed. I listened, followed every order, and today, I'm not only better, BUT wrote THE END on my seventh novel. 

I love this book's hero and heroine, Alec and Emersyn. They have been through hell, but I have had months to figure out how I was going to bring them together for their amazing, well deserved happy-ever-after. I'm so dang pleased with myself. I'll give the whole manuscript a third edit then send it off so I can start on the next book in this series. 

I didn't mention the title because I'm thinking of changing it. Titles are tough. It took me about two years to come up with the In the Shadow titles. I had lists of ideas until I finally hit on Shadows.  I promise this new series won't be that long. I'm giving myself a deadline--two weeks. 

Next week, I'll give you a little taste of my editing process. That's loads of fun. But one thing I love about editing my novel is I get to spend a little more with my beloved characters. And yes, beloved is the right word. I fall hard for my hero and heroine to the point it's hard to let them go. But I'm a writer, and I write so you can read. So, I'm going to cut those apron strings and let Alec and Emersyn out into the world. 

Well, that's it for now. I hope you are having a great week. If not, let me know so I can offer up a prayer. Please find some time to relax, put your feet up, and read a good book.

Isn't life wonderful?

Hugs to all,

Nancy C. Weeks

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