Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My Quote for the Day

Hi Everyone,
Since I didn't post a new interview this week, I thought I would give you my quote for the day. 

This whole revelation came from an email I received over the weekend from my older sister, Terriann. In the subject line, it read, Quote of the Day. Terriann and I are only eleven months apart, but she is a very wise woman. Somehow, she always knows when I need a good kick in the pants and boy did I need one at that moment.

To set the scene a little, it was early Monday morning and I was sitting at my laptop with my morning coffee cooling next to me. I was overtired, the doubt monster was particularly loud, and I guess I was feeling a little overwhelmed. I had just returned from the New Jersey Romance Writers' conference. [AND I highly recommend it to all my writer pals if you have never heard of it.] Anyway, I spent months thinking about the conference, excited about going, and then before I knew, it was over.

As wonderful as it was to spend two days surrounded by writers--actually meeting and having a conversation with two of my favorite authors, Susan Wiggs and Heather Graham-- I found myself sitting at my kitchen table second guessing this whole writing thing. Okay, I will admit it: I was a little intimidated by all the great success stories I heard. I met authors who have published 10, 20, 30, 50 books! I have written only two and I'm fifty-four years old. How do I fit in with those amazing authors? 

I opened my new WIP and read over what I last wrote... and NOTHING. My mind was blank. Instead of focusing on my task, I decided to check my email. 74 emails had come in while I was gone. I stroll down and opened my sister's email because I didn't need enhancements of any kind. This is what it said:

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass whether you accomplish something or not." (author unknown to me)

Here's my new version of that marvelous quote: 

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass whether you accomplish something or not, SO YOU MIGHT AS WELL REACH FOR IT!

By lunchtime, I had written 2024 words. My sweet sister is so wise! 


  1. Hi Nancy,
    I can totally relate. Good ole' impostor syndrome. :/
    Love the quote your sister sent and what a perfect time!

  2. Hi Rhonda,
    I'm so glad you found my blog and decided to stopped by. We can't keep the my doubt monster or your impostor syndrome from keeping us from living the best life we can. I love your quote on your twitter page: One life to Live. Be Somebody!
